Monday, March 21, 2011

The Comfort in The Light

let us walk in the light of the LORD.

(Isaiah 2:5, NIV)

Poof! Not again. The electricity was cut off a few rounds that day. It was already night. The whole house was swamped over by darkness. My husband quickly reached for the candles and lighted them. The household was turned into a warm cozy ambience as some would say with candle lights. But I don’t particularly like the dim candle light, the small yellow fire burning and all our shadows cast on the walls. Maybe for a little while is fun. I could use it to teach some science and play some shadow games with the children. But not for the entire night. I like the clear brightness of the fluorescent lighting where I can see with clarity and move freely.

In the process of getting more candles lighted, the electricity came on again. So it was just a short spell this time. Phew…I sighed a big relief. “How good it is to be in the light,” I commented. Instantly, the thought struck me. “Oh yea, it is so good to be in the light that a short stint of darkness causes so much discomfort.”

God has shown us the way – the path of light in him. I cannot imagine still living in darkness and groping aimlessly with fear and anxiety, without God. The prophet Isaiah gave a strong call, “let us walk in the light of the Lord.”

God’s light enters our life the moment we call him, Lord and Saviour. But we have to choose to want to walk in it. Psalm 119:5 tells us that his word is a lamp for our feet, a light on our path.
The Word of God gives us direction and guidance. It is liken to the light which shines at our feet as we walk on the path of life. Walking in his light is a sure comfort knowing that Someone is always watching over us and keeping us on track. It is reassuring to know that we will always have enough light for our steps so we will not fall off. Even if we do fall, the light will govern us so strongly that we will be able to get up quickly and continue with it.

When we are living in the Light, we will recognize the slightest darkness that comes over us. It makes us so uncomfortable we want to be delivered immediately. That was the case for me when the electricity was cut off. This is such a reminder that as children of light, we can no longer live in darkness. But how many people are still trapped in darkness? Let us be urgent to be agent of deliverance.

Dear Lord, Grant me the power of your light to be your agent to rescue many who are still in darkness. Today I thank you for shining your light at my path. If I've gone a bit off track, gently bring me back. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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