Monday, May 3, 2010

Chill Out!

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

(Proverbs 24:3-4, NIV)

Chill out! Every yuppie knows this term very well. After a hard day’s work or a week’s stress, it’s chill out time. There’s endless ideas for every individual or group to chill out. This word fades gradually, sometimes instantly when we step into this crazy world called parenthood; and especially for stay home mums.

Every day is a cycle to beat the clock. There’s neither day nor moment when work ceases. It’s a 24/7 duty. No pay. No leave. No glamour. The irony is instead of receiving, this vocation seeks to give, give and give. How that always reminds me of our Heavenly Father. The fact is we cannot deny the frailty of mankind and the limitation of energy we possessed.

It was Labour Day over the weekend. It is a gazetted public holiday. I used to get triple pay when I was working in the hospital. Was I fantasizing of money? No. All I wanted was to chill out! Perhaps I could get a bit of it since my girls were away with grandparents and aunt. The toddler – another set of grandparents graciously took him for shopping. My awaited moment had arrived. Once I finished all the work needed attention, I could chill out. My choice of chill out – a good book, a hot drink in a cool air-conditioned room…complete silence to help me reflect and declutter my mind and refresh my spirit. The inventory began… a mountain of laundry folded and kept, house straightened up, emails replied, phone calls returned…there were more (like mentioned housework is endless – bottomless pit) but that should be suffice for now. Then I heard the car. The boy was back. Soon, another car. The girls were back. The silent mode in the house was instantly switched back to high volume of all sorts of noises. Excited chatters of their weekend which I was trying to keep up with three impatient girls attempting to share all that had happened. In the midst of it, they alerted me, “Mum, we are hungry.” These all happened within the few minutes they stepped into the house, before I could lock the door!

I promised to get dinner ready soon. The boy was excited to see his sisters after being separated for a night and almost a day. A joyful sight to see their reunion. Did I enjoy? Of course, I did. But what happened to my chill out moment? Probably after they drained their energy and knocked off at bedtime. Perhaps. Bedtime routine is always long – cleanup and change, story, prayer. When their energy is drained, mine would too. Most of the time, I beat them to it. Chill out? Hmm…this term was far from reach by then.

Lights out. The girls snuggled by my sides to get their goodnight hugs and kisses after our prayers beginning with the toddler uttering his most sincere prayers with the cutest voice and increasing vocabulary. The sweetness of such moment could only be captured in the memory to be cherished. Many times, I pray I will not be senile in my old age so I can recall these precious moments with smiles and joy. I had thought it was the end of the night. Perhaps there’s still a teeny weeny bit of time left to – chill out. Oh, was I determined or what?! The dark room did not deter the little one from cracking up jokes and doing silly stuff to make us laugh. The soothing atmosphere broke into laughter upon laughter. We were having such a marvelous moment that I didn’t mind we passed bedtime.

Finally when all were ready to plunge into dreamland, they were ushered into bed with joy and peace. As they close their room door and I sat quietly on my bed, I felt a gush of joy and peace leaping in me. I was refreshed in my spirit. My heart was cheerful. Indeed I chilled out. Not the way I intended but God had his way of meeting my need through the rare and beautiful treasures he filled my room with...indeed, we need wisdom and knowledge in building a home, and seeking to understand our position and situation will put things in order. This is such a priceless chill out.

I am building a home, not just a house. What about you? You can’t find time to chill out being a busy mum? Pray for a creative outlet which will make your heart sing and leap with joy; and be energized for a new day.Or perhaps you are not a mum, but you still need to chill out as you build…whatever that you are building – an education path, a career, etc. Make sure you welcome wisdom, understanding and knowledge of the Lord and watch him fill your rooms with rare and beautiful treasures. Enjoy!

Heavenly Father, establish my life with Your wisdom, understanding and knowledge and fill it with rare and beautiful treasures which will glorify Your name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.