Monday, May 18, 2009

Endless Mess

The Lord is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.

(Psalm 103:8, NIV)

My days are filled with cleaning. One after another. Yet the house never seem to be clean or in the “order” I classify as order.
Laundry – never seem to finish. When I thought I just cleared the laundry basket, to see it been filled again.
Dishes – quite the same too. Although the girls have been helping but I still have uncleared sink throughout the day.
What happened to spotless floor? Nay, my doctor and nurses’ friends told me to forget about clean floors once babies arrived. One even suggested I wear carpet shoes so that I will not feel the dust. The baby won't die from some dirt. But my melancholy self thought the more I have to clean up to ensure my babies have clean floor to roam around. Babies – you know they are so susceptible to illnesses. But they MESS UP ALL THE TIME.

My baby was wriggling hard to get away while I was trying to get his bum cleaned up. This is the umpteenth time for the day. I hooked him with my left arm and did a quick wash but clean enough to satisfy me. You’ll be amazed at how much energy the little one possessed. It is quite a workout for me daily. Before I could sigh a relief of getting the task done, he wriggled and crawled off. I went after him to find that he just pee on the floor! And when I finished with that, I stepped on biscuits crumbs. “That could wait…” I thought. Then the five year-old called for help in cleaning up some mess. I rushed off, stepped on a toy which squeaked back at me. I moved the toys to clear the path way. My eyes caught another pile of mess which called for attention. “Not now,” I whispered in my heart. I moved the baby to the bedroom to get him ready for nap. He protested and slipped off from my arms. His sister’s clothes’ shelf attracted him. That’s his new “play area” – simply enjoys pulling the garments off, one by one. The list can go on forever. My heart beat faster and I could feel a rush of my blood. My energy level was diminishing. I was about to sigh and give out a loud scream to God when His Spirit whispered to me, “I am also always cleaning up."

How true! God is in a cleaning business. How many times have I messed up – the words I said, my action and reaction towards people and situations, decisions made, negative thoughts, and ill feelings; and He patiently cleaned up my mess. Instead of striking a hard blow on me, He administered His dose of merciful love. Instead of saying, “Look at you again,” He helped me through without shame and guilt and gave me a clean slate.

Human race is messed up. God in His grace and mercy is cleaning us up all the time. When He is done with one area, He still has many more to deal with us. What a comfort to know He is slow to anger, otherwise we will all be wiped out from his presence!

Do you have anything which requires some divine cleaning? Acknowledge your need of the Divine Helper. Allow Him to clean you up even if it hurts. Don’t struggle and wriggle off his clutch. Stay put as He gently and patiently does the cleaning process. Sometimes it may hurt more because of the consequences we have to bear but trust in His abounding love. He doesn’t jeer but cheer us on.

Loving Father, I come…with this…...(specify your mess). Clean me up. Grant me grace to go through it and soothe where it hurts. I trust You. Thank You for being patient with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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