Monday, January 5, 2009

Sighing to Singing

I will sing to the Lord, I will sing;
I will make music to the Lord, the God of Israel.

Judges 5:3 (NIV)

My little girl sings to almost anything throughout the day. She is like a Broadway star. Joyful noise filled my home and my car as long as she is present. She makes a song to almost anything she sees and hears. She sings her love to mummy which warms my heart every single time a tune is put together with the words she wants to convey. And oh, that sweet cheerful smile of hers! Sometimes a dance is added to enhance the whole point she tries to communicate. Last week, her singing turned into sighing and then whining because she was in great pain and discomfort from her severe sore throat and fever. Her body was aching all over and her hunger called for her attention all the time but she couldn't eat. That's miserable. The little girl's sighing eventually became whines which was really sapping my energy.

I knew she needed my comfort and care. I told myself to be extra patient because she was in great distress. Any adult would feel awful too. What more for a 5 year-old! "I feel lousy," she would constantly tell me. She would make irritating noises to get my attention. My mercy tank was gradually diminishing. I would close my eyes and held my breath as I whispered a prayer to God to help me contain my impatience and deliver my child from her sickness. Honestly, I thought I was doing pretty well staying calm and composed caring for her till one day I began to feel a stirring of agitation rising within me. Her whines was getting intolerable. She was whining at almost everything. Oh, how I missed her spontaneous singing. Perhaps she has a good reason to behave improper. After all, she is just a minor and was sick.

It made me reflect on my own attitude when I come before my Father. How about you? Is our calling upon him bring delight to his ears or is it irritating noises? Do we make it a point to praise and thank him for every blessing and trial? Trial? Did I say trial?? Yes. Thank him for the trials and challenges that come our way. They are meant to make and not break us. Do we complain and grumble instead of being contented and glad? When we learn to count our blessings, we'll be surprised to find that our spirit is liberated. Liberated to sing instead of sigh. Granted, life is not a bed of roses. There will be constant winds of hardship beating at our face. We may stop singing for some reasons. However, every song that flows from a heart of praise and thanksgiving will never be swallowed by the harsh wind nor storm. Even if it is faint and weak. It will reach the Father's heart. Deborah in the book of Judges made a deliberate choice to sing and make music to God even when she was engaged in battle. Can we echo her, "I will sing..." and witness our misery become a miracle of God?!

Grace, my ex-colleague in nursing always whistled and sang as she went about her duty in the ward. I loved working with her. Her joyful spirit is contagious. Caring for the sick is demanding and draining. But her singing attitude made such a difference to the patients and team mates. The joy of the Lord is her strength. I believe that joy is the trademark of a child of God. Do we possess this trademark? Let us stop sighing and start singing. Before we fret, remember our Faithful Friend...arise and break out in song.

Heavenly Father, fill my heart with songs of praise and freedom. Let my spirit break out in joyful noise and bring such delight to you. In good times and bad times, your joy is my strength. Cause me to see from your perspective. Create in me a singing heart. Let me sing a new song today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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