Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hope for the New Year

Let us hold unswerwingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

Hebrews 10:23 (NIV)

My energy has been drained for the past weeks. These were indeed long weeks. All I've been busy was dispensing medicine to my kids and soothing their pain and discomfort. Each day I hope they will be better (at this point of writing they are not completely well yet).

My 5 year-old looked at me hopelessly and said in betweens her sobs, "Nothing helps". She had not been able to eat due to a bad throat infection which caused ulcers. Knowing that I was a trained nurse, she had hoped I could do something to ease her pain and agony. I wished I could but all my attempts failed to bring any relief. She was really frustrated as her hunger increased and not even sips of water was gentle enough for her throat. She requested for McDonald's in her longing for food. I looked at her with empathy but firmly told her she would not be able to swallow any burgers or nuggets yet. So I promised her a Happy Meal when she recovers if she would continue to take her medicine. That became her hope. I would remind her every time she whined or agonized in pain and discomfort. Honestly, I am not in favour of promoting fast food but I was equally helpless. So anything that could help to divert her attention of the present pain and helped her focus on the future hope would do for that moment.

Throughout her illness, she reminded me of my promise. I told her to I was still observing her food intake - the amount and texture that she could handle day by day. She became rather impatient and would whispered to me occassionally, "Mum, you promised..." Firmly I would smiled at her and answered, "Not yet, but I will."

Two days ago, she looked more cheerful and finished her rice so quickly. She must be really hungry after days of starvation. We all laughed at her appetite. That was a relief for me knowing she was recovering. Later I announced to her we would take her for her Happy Meal. The long awaited moment arrived for the little one who was suffering in pain. Her hope became a reality. I watched her enjoyed the chicken nuggets, steam corn to every kernel and sipped her Milo drink with satisfaction. Then of course, she happily checked out the toy which came together with the meal - a cute pink trinket box. I suppose that's the attraction in the Happy Meal for every child.

As I whispered that promise to my child, a soft prompting invaded my heart reminding me of my Father's promise(s). He is true and faithful to his promises. Numbers 23:19 reinforced that "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfil? Life's challenges are real. They are tangible. So are God's promises. They will be reality and manifested in tangible evidences if we don't lose our grip in what we believe. We have to stay focused and fulfilled in the hope we professed in Christ Jesus. A promise is a promise. Our Father will deliver when the time is right. As my child struggled with me, and her own gave me a picture of how many times we struggle with God, and our own pain in life. But the good news - God is faithful. If we allow God to help us through and obediently follow his will and ways, the promise(s) will be reality in his time. For his time is beautiful.

The year ahead may promises great possibilities and potentials for some. Perhaps for others it may be a dread because of past disappointments and pain. Whichever end you stand, let's be encouraged to know that he who promised is faithful. Our hope is in Christ. Let's not lose our grip and hold on to the Cross as we enter a new year.

Heavenly Father, I place my trust in You and want to be vulnerable in Your Presence. Thank You for the hope I profess in Christ Jesus and the promises You whispered to me. I purposed in my heart to believe in every one of them because You are faithful. I trust Your timing. I pray for a fresh beginning of a new year - one that is anchored upon the Cross. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I am really blessed by the devotion!
    Thanks for imparting.
    Love you lots! =)
